03 March, 2009

Los and Faun

I have something to grumble about! If you're not interested you can close your ears now but do continue reading.

Usually whenever I got the free time, I would do some blog hop to check on the latest news, feels and overdues in my list of "escapades". I spent today's 2 hour class break productively at the learning space (a.k.a. computer lab) and I realize something.. something 'injustice' when I visit this particular blog. To avoid riots and suicide bombers, let's call this blog owner X.

While I was at X's blog, I notice something rather.. familiar. Hmm.. If I am not mistaken the pictures posted at X's blog is from me blog. I'm sure of it because Mr. X didn't even bother to do a lil photoshop on the pic(s) instead, it's rawly uploaded. At first I didn't mind but as I continue to read on, there's a heavy sense of loss. It feels as though something is missing. It feels as though something had been stolen from me! I don't wish to confront Mr. X for doing so because I have this hinch that he's probably still new to the blog-o-sphere and beside he's a friend of mine. So yeah it's kinda like a mix rojak-ed feeling in me. I know it's wrong but I can't do anything about it. Sad.

Wait! Maybe I can do something about it.

and so I went blog hopping to even more massive blogs like Kenny Sia (my biggest idol) in search of the remedy to my predicament. Immediately, just like Isaac Mendez in Heroes, I was inspired. I know! I'll watermark my pictures! That way, I'll know immediately who grabbed my pics and save the hassle for other people to credit me. This also means I have to spend longer hours to watermark every damn picture I'm about to post. shiet.. Initially I've thought of watermarks but the idea sounds busy and at that time I didn't thought I need it but now since my pics seems to snowball into a great number, watermarking became a necessity.

still in the process of learning

*go ahead, I don't bite


  1. Eh eh, join the watermark/picture credit gang! :D

  2. hehe.. wanted to ask you how to do it actually but somehow after many trials and error kinda got it. I think.
