23 April, 2010

2 Years of Chemistry

I'll be bringing my digital camera to college for the next few days. I kinda notice that our days together are numbered. Another 8 weeks (including exam periods) and we'll be celebrating our 2nd Anniversary together, another year full of stress, misery and depression is coming to an end. Reality might not hit some of them yet but when they finally do it'll be too late to do anything memorable. That's why I'll be clicking away with my camera and one day you guys are gonna thank me for it.


Chemistry has always been my most preferred subject among the three I took. Notice how I use preferred and not favorite, they're different mind you. I cannot say it's my favorite because I really loathe balancing the equation and stuff but overall, I honestly "prefer" Chem over the other 2 subs.

Joshua got a big blister thanks to the Phenol..

Not sure if it's the sweet, calm voice of our lecturer, Ms. Pang who never seem to give up on us till this day or if it's the colorful/dangerous experiment that we get to conduct every week but one thing's for sure, I have never missed a Chemistry class.. NEVER! Not even once! The closest incident would have to be the day I overslept and got to class an hour later but hey, I still make it and still got my name checked! =)

Warning: massive upload of pics ahead!

*do watcha gotta do, say watcha gotta say, before it's too late..

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