20 April, 2010

You're RACIST and You Don't Even Know It

I cannot say that it's so true as I've yet to encounter non-Asian on a daily basis but I can seriously imagine how real, how typical it is for Asians to be treated like that outside of Asia. This is not entirely true but at least partially because everyone has become so accustomed to make fun of Asians. Which you can clearly see in movies, tv-shows and even stand up comedy (I think Russell Peter will agree with me on this). To the extend that I think some non-Asian people tend to picture Asians as a small eyed yellow dude with a "Ching-Chong" in their name and speaks loud native China accent. I'm assuming that those people assumed they know Asians very well and hence the wrong perception.

Asians literally means people from a particular region of Asia WHICH MEANS it includes Indians, Malays, Afro-Asians, Eurasians, Punjabi and even Arabs. So the next time the word Asian pops up, tell yourself it doesn't have to be Chinese. Don't get me wrong I actually love Russell Peter Asian jokes because it's something I can relate to and I can "LOL-ROFL-LMAO" (in that order) whilst agreeing but when people cannot divide between a joke and reality, it gets offensive and well it kinda hurt to know that they don't.

"people are RACIST without even trying to be, without even KNOWING!"

I can only pray and bid farewell to my fellow classmates whose got an offer to study abroad at non-Asian countries. Yes I'm referring to you Mr. Joshua Lah and Ng Yew Eng. They'll most likely face similar problems all Chinese Asians face but whatever happen guys just remember whatever the vlogger said..

"who you are is much more important than what you are.."

Note to the rest of the world: Asians =/= The People's Republic of China

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