10 May, 2010

What Took You So Long

It's been 2 weeks since my exam started. Hadn't have the chance to give you guys a heads up (just shows how fast my finals hit me, like a truck on a highway). Anyway, just realize I have this post in my draft and I somehow forgot to hit the post button.. hmm.. that's strange. Oh well, without further ado..

Friday was last day of normal lectures in HELP. It was a mix of feelings for everyone, happy, sad and nauseous at the same time as the exams are just around the friggin corner. Yes, my finals is in a week time (remember when I said I have a month left?). Here are some memories left in my cam for the past 2 week right before everyone goes into their own nerdy world.


As you can already guess (or see), this blog would be very out-of-date for the time being BUT promise me one thing! Check back after June, I swear there'll be super fun post here as I'm obviously FREE!! (hint: prom) =X

*hugs and kisses

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