06 July, 2010

Mojo Baby

edit: added pics from last day of college =')

I'm back people, after a month long hiatus it's good to be back! First thing's first, A-levels Ball! Work on the pictures had just started (pardon me) and judging from the amount of trigger happy pics, I've got long way to go before I can put it up for your viewing pleasure. So I guess this post is all about how glad I am to be back and welcoming my viewers with my current update.

I hope I am finally done with pre-university, it's time for the real deal! Seeing one after another of my friends registering for uni especially local uni guys which was yesterday is making me uber excited and lonely at the same time. I owe it to a few of them for ignoring them throughout my exam period and now when I'm finally free, they're NOT! Sad..

So what have I been doing? Have I been partying all night long? Nope, tbh the night of the Ball was the only night I truly had an enjoyable time. I've been working with my dad. Yes, been force off to do labor work as soon as I enter supposedly "MERDEKA!!" mode. What's even more pathetic is the fact that I have to ditch the class trip to Redang which is happening NOW!! (wonder if they're having a blast without me) because "work is more important and there's a deadline to meet", says the forceful father of mine. So if you see someone that looks like me carrying tools on my pocket and heaving a ladder around some construction site, don't forget to wave.. Chances are, that's pathetic me. =(

So now you know.. Check back here in 24 hours time or so. Pics shud be up by then and you can wonder away into the pictures. Peace~!


Don't forget to witness Netherlands hurdling over Diego Forlan for the finals..

"we've come too far to lose, come on ORANJE!"

miss the good times...

*might revamp this blog soon, the layout is sooo Ugh Glee!

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