30 August, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me

I know by the time you read this, my birthday was long gone but I'm still gonna post about it anyway because as you can obviously notice I hadn't been updating a lot, I have very limited time to create new post so when I do have a small window of free time I'd like to update this blog to breathe life into it every now and then. Each new post since the day I ended my A-levels is like a defibrillator pumping on the chest of this already dead blog pronounced based on the miserably low view count on my weekly subscribed counter. You had to be very loyal and patient to be still reading till here. I love you. I really do. Let me sort things out, get my shit back, away from working life and I'll be back with better content rather than tons and tons of pics but not much elaboration? Apologize I shall. Sorry and thank you! =)

I would describe my celebration this year as quiet. My phone isn't as busy as it was last year (I blame Facebook) but it was with my 3 best buddies from my national service days. I was expecting zero celebration but turns out, everything has a way around. Coincidentally, Nicholas of KK came down to KL for a visit and King decided to make a small reunion for us to catch up and stuff. I rushed back from work, took the car and head out to Pyramid. The next thing I know, they're singing me a b'day song and I'm blowing the candle off a lil cake.

this is Nicholas, the Sabahan born Chinese who'd live almost his entire life in KK if it hadn't been NS that brought us together as dormmates come friends. Currently studying at Singapore trying very hard to blend into the kiasu/kiasi/kanasai society.

Tan Wee King, also known as The King for having such prosperous figure and well spoken gathering skills whenever things gets bad in the camp he's the one that'll gather everyone.

Hua Jun the Jay Chou wannabe who flirts with almost every girl in the camp hoping to score their numbers but failed miserably due to my unnecessary presence.

It's a small gesture but it came from a BIG thought. Thanks a lot guys!

1 comment:

C D B said...

happy belated b'day Teng!
- your secret admirer. xx